Reunion 10 Localization

Reunion 10 supports International Localization.

Some translations have already been completed by Reunion users:

Note: Because the translations are created by Reunion users and not Leister Productions, we cannot verify the accuracy or quality of the work.

Technical Information

The localization technology in Reunion 10 permits cosmetic adjustments to Reunion without actually altering the features and functions of the application. When a localization folder (or .lproj folder) for your language is placed inside your Reunion application, Reunion will try to use whatever resources it finds in this localization before using the resources in the default English localization, included in the released version of Reunion 10. Resources are items such as windows, menus, and text strings used in messages and reports. A localization only changes the Reunion interface (e.g., top menu bar, tool bar, button labels, etc.). The inner workings of the Reunion application are not affected.

Why would someone want to use a Localization Folder?

Why create a new localization rather than modify the English one that is already included?

How to create a Localization for Reunion 10...