Can I use Reunion on more than one Macintosh? I own a desktop Mac and a laptop.
Yes - you may install Reunion 9 on any Mac that you own, as permitted by the License Agreement (see "Copyright, Warranty, & Credits" in the Manual for full details).
If you purchased Reunion 9 on CD, you should install from the CD to your second Mac, then download and install the latest update.
If you purchased the downloadable version, download and install Reunion 9 from our website - this download will be the latest version. Please note that you will need your User Name and License Code to authorize the installation. If you need those details, you can request them here.
We recommend that you install the latest version of Reunion 9 on each of your Macs.
Important: If you plan to use Reunion on more than one Mac, be certain that you're always working with a local copy of the family file - that is, the family file should be on the hard drive of the Mac you're using (not accessed over a network or from an external drive/flash drive).
If you need more details regarding transferring information from one Mac to another, please visit this web page.