New Features in Reunion 9
- Reunion 9 is a Universal Binary application with full, native support for Intel and PPC Macintosh computers.
Use your iPhone/iPod Touch or iPad. Take your family with you in a very portable format — on your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad. Make changes, corrections, and updates while you're on the go, and then bring the changes back to your family file on the Mac. (Reunion for iPhone/iPod Touch and Reunion for iPad are sold separately, on the App Store: iPhone/iPod touch, iPad.)
- Treetops - shows a quick list of the earliest ancestors for any person.
- Last Names list - show all unique last names (surnames) in your family file.
- Spell checking. As you enter data, Reunion can automatically check your spelling as you type. When you mistype or misspell a word, it's underlined in red so you can quickly spot errors and correct them.
- CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) web styles offer elegant design, flexibility, and precise control of reports destined for the web.
- MobileMe and iDisk integration. When you create a report, look for "iDisk" in the Destination popup menu. Note: this was discontinued in Reunion 10, because MobileMe and iDisk were discontinued by Apple in 2012.
- Drag and drop to add people from the Index to the family card. If you're about to add a child, parent, or spouse to somebody, and you know that the person is already entered in the family file somewhere, just open the index and drag the person from the index over to the correct spot on the family card.
- Drag and drop to add sources from the Source List to events, facts, notes, and names. Keep the Source List open as you're adding data and when you need to cite a source, just drag and drop it into the field.
- Automatically open your family file: When you open Reunion, the most recent family file with which you were working will automatically open. This is a new global option in Reunion Preferences / Startup which is turned ON by default.
- Unicode support allows for multilingual text using different languages.
- Ability to find citation detail. For example, you can find everybody linked to page 106 of a particular book.
- Find on This Page - for finding text in note fields, logs, and the free-form text field in source records.
- Import and export of multimedia links in GEDCOM files.
- Index and List enhancements...
- Data (names, dates, places, etc.) can be edited directly in lists. If you notice a spelling error or inconsistency while perusing the Index or any other list, just make the correction directly in the list. No need to dig up the record.
- Lists (such as the Index, Source List, Found List, etc.) can stay open while you work in your family file.
- A search box is used to find people and filter the Index and Found lists.
- Drag columns to change the order of columns in a list.
- Click column titles to sort by column.
- Manual sorting option, using any combination of 3 fields or attributes.
- Name and save sorts.
- Entries in lists are color-coded by sex.
- In Found Lists, you can now save a default setup (column and sort settings) that will apply to new found lists. Defaults for lists of people and couples are saved separately.
- Family card enhancements...
- Family card size is limited only by the size of your screen.
- Flags can be checked/unchecked directly on the family card.
- Note fields in the family card view are scrollable.
- Find people using a search box on the family card.
- Option to display parents and children in a list, with resizeable, draggable, and optional fields.
- Brushed metal family card.
- Tool tips show information about people buttons, including birth/death date and place, and ID#. Also, the number of children appears when the mouse hovers over a person's button, Quickbar buttons, Overview buttons, etc. and when selecting people in menus, such as the Spouse popup menu, Sibling popup menu, etc.
- Resizeable section for child buttons/list.
- Option to colorize buttons by sex.
- Control-click (or right-click) people on the family card (parents, husb/wife, children) for a contextual popup menu showing siblings, spouses, children, treetops, etc.
- New "view" options - smart event and fact lists, other children, birth-death, and date feasibility.
- Sibling popup menus have been enhanced to show: direct lines, half-siblings, icons to indicate sex, child status, and whether or not a sibling has children.
- 3D drop shadows on child, husband/wife, and parent buttons on family card.
- Control-click (or right-click) children (in a list, or as buttons) to change child status.
- Child status color is now applied to shadows, making it more conspicuous.
- New preferences to set the color of children with children, children without children, parents with parents, and parents without parents.
- The vertical dividing line between field titles and data can be repositioned by dragging.
- Multimedia...
- Thumbnail view of multimedia items, ala iPhoto.
- Multimedia files can be linked to source records.
- Support for more file formats: PDF, MS Word documents, RTF, Text.
- Support for more audio file formats: AAC, AU.
- Support for BMP images.
- Support for video formats: MOV, MP4, and AVI.
- Multimedia files can be grouped into albums.
- Comments from iPhoto are imported into Reunion.
- Repair feature for finding, fixing, and reporting broken links to multimedia files.
- Rotate items in 90 degree increments.
- New multimedia sorting options.
- Option to designate items as "sensitive."
- Option to treat an image file as if it were a document.
- Drag and drop pictures from a multimedia window to another person on another family card.
- Slideshows...
- Create slideshows for people, families, marked people, or all people.
- Slideshows can be saved, previewed, etc.
- Ability to create a movie file of a slideshow.
- Choose transitions, music, time for each slide, image size, caption content, etc.
- Slideshow preferences: background color, drop shadow/size/color, text colors, bold text, more transitions, and a sample preview.
- edit the name and description of a slide directly in the slideshow list.
- insert a text-only slide.
- images can be dragged to the slideshow list from the Finder, iPhoto, and family card.
- Toolbar on the family card...
- Customizable toolbar.
- Option to show as small or large icons.
- Option to show as "text only," "icons only" or "icons and text."
- New, additional toolbar icons.
- OS X native...
- Cocoa-based - Reunion 9 is only available for Mac OS X. It has been completely rewritten for Mac OS X using Cocoa, Apple's object-oriented application environment designed specifically for developing Mac OS X-only native applications with a state-of-the-art Aqua user interface.
- More resizeable windows and live window resizing.
- OS X standard file locations.
- Use of more attractive windows, "sheets" and icons.
- Tool tips show information about buttons.
- Better support for 3rd-party utilities.
- Option to use Apple's Color Picker to choose 24-bit colors.
- Standard Mac OS X text navigation in text fields.
- Charts...
- Soft shadows can be applied to boxes, bars, captions, and pictures.
- Find Anything In Boxes - new ways to search for boxes and select found boxes.
- Ability to remove frames of pictures inside boxes.
- Ability to turn on/off page break lines and grid lines.
- Ability to compact charts and optimize for printing, by resampling hi-res pictures.
- Many additions to the popup menu that appears when you Control-click (or right-click) a chart box (such as: Align Picture in Box, Size Picture in Box, Frame Picture in Box, Save Default Box Attributes).
- Support for transparency in images.
- When charts or chart objects are copied to the clipboard, PDF transparency is supported.
- Graphic charts exported as PNG or PDF have transparency.
- Ability to add shadows to shapes.
- New menu item to mark people in all selected boxes on a chart.
- Max button in the Orientation window - lets you maximize the chart window size while making changes to the orientation.
- New Tags feature for including variables in text objects and frame titles.
- Addition of border depth popup menu for timeline bars.
- In Colors window (for chart boxes and timeline bars), you can drag/drop generations to change order.
- In Colors window (for chart boxes and timeline bars), ability to exclude text
from changes.
- New shortcut to redraw a chart using the previous settings in the Orientation window; Option-Command-R.
- Text objects appear on-screen at all zoom settings.
- Deleting frames is easier: click to select the frame and press the Delete key.
- Chart dimensions are shown in metrics when appropriate.
- Use of abbreviations in chart boxes has been enhanced. If there is no "short" abbreviation for a field name (in the field preferences), then no delimiter is added. If the short abbreviation ends with punctuation, the delimiter will be a space character. This change provides the ability to have chart boxes without field names or abbreviations, in addition to using your own special punctuation.
- Ability to mark people whose information cites any particular source.
- Enter source by number. If you're familiar with your source numbers you can document the source of data even faster.
- Reminders - an enhanced startup option to let you know, in advance, of upcoming birthdays, anniversaries, etc.
- New search box for searching source records.
- Added the ability to search for "married name" in the Index and in the family card search box.
- Mighty mouse is supported (with horizontal and vertical scrolling).
- Speed Names limit increased to 2000.
- Source List window can be resized vertically and horizontally, letting you see more of each source.
- Source list shows more characters per source, making it easier to identify and distinguish sources.
- Source citations list in the Edit Person window is resizable. You can see more sources, at a glance.
- New Field Usage window, for showing which fields are used and how frequently they're used.
- New Folder Preferences for specifying default locations for particular types of files as you create, save, open, import, and export files.
- Words in note fields can be Control-clicked to show a contextual popup menu of features (like looking up the word in the dictionary, Google, or Spotlight; or creating a clickable link of a web address).
- Ages enhancements - added a column for places and support for perspective events appearing in the list.
- Bookmarks menu enhancements - menu items include birth-death dates, includes color to indicate people with children, includes icon to indicate sex.
- Quickbar enhancements - icons indicate sex, tool tips show more information about a person or family in the quickbar, Control-click to show menu of spouses and children for a person/family, children with children are indicated by color.
- Overview window enhancements - icons appear in the popup menus to indicate the sex of a person's children, tool tips show more information about a person, control clicking a person shows spouses and children.
- Statistics enhancements - added unique last names, percentages, and a Find button to list people matching a highlighted statistic.
- Startup preferences include the ability to go to the last card you were viewing.
- Paste as Plain Text - a new menu item for pasting text in notes and logs that will strip text styles and colors from the pasted text.
- File -> Open Recent submenu.
- Change Case window includes the option to affect first and middle names.
- When adding events to a person, you can make the selected event a default event (for all new people).
- You can drag and drop people into the Find Relationship window, which can stay open all the time.
- OS X Click-thru is disabled in most situations (to avoid accidentally clicking buttons in Reunion when you're using other applications).
- Manual...
- Search box in the tool bar, for easy searching.
- Shift-Command-click shortcut opens linked page in a new window behind the current window.
- Command-click shortcut opens linked page in a new window.
- Holding down the mouse on the Back/Forward buttons shows you a list of the recent manual pages you've visited.
- Logs - new Sort Logs button.
- Edit Family/Children window - you can include columns for birth and death place in the list, making it easier to do batch entry of children.
- Merge People window is modeless - handy for comparing records listed in the Merge People window.
- Support for International Standard ISO 8601 date format: yyyy-mm-dd.
- Reports can be saved in .rtfd format (rtf with images).
- Narrative reports have two new options for reporting marriage (and you may exclude the name of the source person).
- GEDCOM and TEXT file import/export support for the Unique Identifier Number (UID).
- GEDCOM import/export support for Unicode and UTF-8 character sets.
- GEDCOM Import option to not strip out extra commas from place names.
- GEDCOM export supports the option to exclude event memo fields.
- LDS event statuses can be included in lists and can be searched.
- Add Source popup menu shows more sources and more characters per source, making it easier to identify and distinguish sources.
- Moving fields: Events can be moved into other events.
- When you open a family file, the previous ten family cards you viewed are remembered from your previous session.
- Relative lists can be limited to marked people only.
- Reunion keeps track of and tells you the last time relationships were identified.
- HTML, RTF, MS Word documents may be imported into note fields (however, formatting is stripped).
- Tags in web output. - to make the contents of the footer, creation date, and intro fields more interesting and dynamic. You can even include Google Analytics.
- Person sheets and family group sheets can be sorted using any custom sort criteria.
- Register Report enhancements...
- Spouses in bold.
- Option to include last name for children.
- Option to include birth and death dates for children.
- Option to have parenthetical ancestry in italic text.
- More advanced warnings and error checking when linking people. For example: when linking cousins as spouses, a message will draw your attention to that relationship.
- Date Feasibility testing added to Find Anything window, family card view, and list windows.
- Numerous new shortcuts.
New features in the latest major release of Reunion...
New Features in Reunion 13
New features in other major releases of Reunion...
New Features in Reunion 12
New Features in Reunion 11
New Features in Reunion 10