Some common questions asked by Reunion 11 users...
I installed High Sierra on my Mac. The names of children disappeared. Click here.
Reunion is in "demo" mode, but I already purchased Reunion 11.
Is Reunion 11 compatible with macOS Mojave?
Is Reunion 11 compatible with macOS Sierra and macOS High Sierra?
How do I upgrade or convert my old family file into the Reunion 11 format?
How do I move my tree from to Reunion?
How do I get images from into Reunion via GEDCOM?
How are citations and sources imported from FTM/Ancestry?
How do I move my tree from Family Tree Maker to Reunion?
How do I move my tree from MacFamilyTree to Reunion?
Citations and sources in Reunion.
Why are there only 255 characters for the citation detail?
How do I share a web project using my Dropbox account?
Why is my upgraded family file so large?
After upgrading to Reunion 11, what causes a delay when entering new information?
Reunion is in demo mode and I use CleanMyMac3 or MacKeeper.
I downloaded Reunion 11, but I lost my license code and I'm in the demo mode.
I bought Reunion on a CD and now it says I'm in demo mode and asks for a license code.
How do I restore the default book covers? Are there any other book covers I can use?
Why won't reports appear in the most recent version of Pages (version 5.0)?
How do I share information with people who don't have Reunion?
Does Reunion support iCloud? Can I use iCloud to sync/save my family files?
What do I do if there's a message saying "unexpectedly quit" or "crash log?"
How do I send you a family file?
Is Reunion available for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch?
Can I use Reunion on more than one Mac? I own a desktop Mac and a laptop.
How do I install a maintenance update?
When installing an update, it says I do not have sufficient privileges.
After upgrading, can I trash my older version of Reunion?
How do I delete report/chart/family files?
How do I move data from PAF (Personal Ancestral File) to Reunion?
I'm switching to a new Mac. How do I move/transfer my Reunion files from one Mac to another?
I installed Reunion 11. How do I get started?
Is there any Windows genealogy app comparable to Reunion?
How do I display pictures directly in the family view?
How do I marry two people I've already entered separately?
How do I record name changes in Reunion?
Is there a manual or user's guide? How do I use the Help in Reunion?
How do I burn a backup copy of the Reunion 11 application or my family file onto a CD?
I live in an EU Member State or Switzerland. Does Dropbox follow our privacy laws.
Can I add my own sites to the Web Searching feature? Yes, if you're technically inclined. (Note: these instructions refer to Reunion 10; but the process is the same when using Reunion 11.) Click here for documentation.